Diseases And DXN

DXN products differ from Drugs (Medicines) and Chemicals, in nature and actions.
  •      DXN products are Supplements only.
  •     They may be consumed along with any other line of Medical treatment.
  •     They are used as Coactive / Adjuvant Therapy. No Side Effects.
  •     NO INTERACTION with other lines of treatments & drugs.
  •     No Dosage specificity.
  •     Large volumes of consumption & prolonged usage: SAFE & NON TOXIC

Helps reduction of blood sugar levels ( over a period of time)

Helps prevention of  Diabetic Complications (like Nephropathy, Neuropathy, Retinopathy, Heart problems, body pains, Ulcers, Gum bleeding)

Improves Body Energy and Muscle strength.

Reduces Polydypsia, Polyphagia and Polyuria

RG , GL, Spirulina, DXN Tea
Lingzhi Coffee, Ganozhi paste

Reduces Joint pains & general Body pains

Reduces Inflammations

Improves Lubrication of Joints

Removes Toxins, Infections and Uric acid

Increases Muscle / Bone strength

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
DXN Tea, Massage oil

BLOOD PRESSURE (Hyper Tension)
Reduces Pressure Fluctuations

Reduces risk of Heart problems

Reduces risk of Kidney damages

Improves Blood circulation

Protection for the Pregnant Women with BP

Prevents emotional disturbances; calms the mind

RG, GL, Spirulina, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea

Reduces attacks of ‘Wheezing’ & Cough

Chest congestion reduces

Improves Oxygen absorption

Improves ‘Natural Immune System’

Improves quality of Sleep

Improves overall Energy and Stamina

RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee

Reduces the frequency of allergic attacks

Improves the immune system

Enhances healing of the Tissues /Skin after allergy

Reduces inflammation, itching and pains

RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee,

Improves the Heart function and pumping efficiency

Clears vessel blocks and improves Circulation

Improves Oxygen absorption and reduces ‘Panting’

strengthen the heart muscles

Improves walls of the blood vessels and elasticity

Reduces chest congestion & Oedema

RG, GL, Spirulina, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea

KIDNEY Problems (Dialysis)
Improves Kidney functions

Controls Urea and Creatinin

Balances the Bio-chemistry

Helps reduction of frequency of Dialysis

Balances body fluids; Reduces Oedema

Helps prevention of further Kidney damage

Reduces body pains; Protects Heart & Lungs

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,

Detoxifies the Liver

Reduces the Fat accumulation

Improves general Liver functions

Improves vascularity of the Liver

Helps ‘ Liver-cell Regeneration’

Improves overall Energy and Digestion capacity

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,

Inhibits Metastasis of cancer ( spread of cancer)

Improves recovery with Medical treatment

Reduces ‘side-effects’ of other therapies – Chemo/Radio

Inhibits further growth of ‘Tumour’

Reduces Pains of Cancer, Tumour and Surgery

Helps recovery from Protein Loss ( Hair loss particularly)

Improves general Energy; Improves memory functions

Extends ‘Life span’ ; Improves Q of living

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,

Balances ‘Bio Electric’ problems of the body

Improves functions of Heart and Kidney

Reduces building up of Static Electric charges in the body

Quicker recovery/ healing of the patients ‘Post- Recovery’

Improves all nerve Conductivity and general ‘Reflex’

Reduces :- Tremor; Coordination problems; Sleeplessness

Reduces Pains of the Patients

Helps in compensating for the Neurological Deficits

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea

SLE & Immune System Disorders
Improves & Balances ALL the immune System functions

Improves Energy and reduces dependence on Drugs

Extends life-span; Improves Q of life

Reduces the risk of frequent ‘Infection’

Improves Energy and Stamina

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi
HORMONE Problems
Improves the functions of ‘Endocrine glands’

Balances all the Hormones 
RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi

Improves Sperm counts & Motility

Helps removal of blocks in the Fallopian Tubes

Regulates Menstrual cycle

Helps recovery from problems associated with Thyroid, PCOD and Fibroid

Strengthens the Uterus for bearing the Conception

Improves blood count and improves from Anaemia

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea


Reduces Menstrual ‘Cramps’

Reduces pains and excess bleeding

Balances ‘Menstrual Cycle’ ; Regularizes the ‘Periods’

Reduces problems due to ‘ Menopausal Syndrome’

Improves ‘ Fertility’ and ‘Potency’

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea

Improves Energy;

Muscle Strength & Nervous strength

Reduces ‘Fatigue’& Improves ‘Stamina’

RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea

Calms the mind; Improves quality of Sleep

Body Hormones are balanced

Improves Oxygen absorption and body Energy out-put

Acts as ‘Anti-Oxidant’.

Improves blood circulation and reduces general ‘Body Pains’

RG, GL, DXN Tea, Cocozhi

Reduces Tension

Improves blood circulation and oxygen absorption

Corrects excess Acidity in the body

RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee, DXN Tea

Improves natural ‘Sleep Cycle’

Calms the mind and strengthens nervous system

Enables GQS – Good Quality Sleep

RG, GL, Lingzhi Coffee, Cocozhi

Helps balancing the Bio-Chemistry : LDL, VLDL, TGL etc

Helps ‘Burning Out’ of Calories; Helps ‘ Weight reduction’

Regularises ‘Bowel movement’

Improves Digestion; Reduces Acidity; No Gastric problems

Improves Energy; Improves blood circulation

Strengthens Heart & Liver

RG, GL, Spirulina, Morinzhi,
DXN Tea, Lingzhi Coffee

DENTAL Problems
Strengthens the Gum and Roots of the Teeth

Reduces Bad Breath; Stops Gum bleeding & Oral Ulcers

Prevents Plaque formation on the Teeth

Keeps the mouth Fresh for a long time

Ganozhi Tooth Paste

SKIN Problems
Reduces Infections and Itching

Maintains Supple, Elastic and Soft skin

Retains Natural Beauty; Improves Skin Tone

Helps healing of Cuts, Chirps, Burn-wounds, Ulcers

Helps healing Psoriasis, Fungal Patches

RG, GL, Massage oil, Chubby Baby Oil, Aloe V

Strengthens Follicles and reduces Hair loss

Reduces dandruff; Reduces split ends

Reduces ‘Itching’ and ‘Infection’

Preserves natural texture, softness & Silkiness

RG, GL, Ganozhi Shampoo,
Massage oil

Retains natural beauty

Removes black heads, dead cells

Maintains supple, elastic, soft skin

Reduces Dark Circles around eyes

Reduces Dark Patches on the face

Reduces wrinkles and improves skin tone

RG, GL, Ganozhi Soap & Shampoo, GSCS pack

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